Did You Know?
Dumpster Service - Your Groveland Township taxes provide for a dumpster service to all residents. It's true! You can dispose of most large items at no additional cost to you! The dumpster is located just North East of I-75 & Grange Hall Rd. Just go to the Groveland Township office located at 4695 Grange Hall Rd to request your one time pass. It is a hardcopy one page document signed by the Groveland Township Office. Some restrictions apply. This pass can be obtained once/month.
NoHaz Events - Use this link to find out when the next event is planned. Groveland Township does participate in this program so the fee charged is minimal. LINK
Oakland County Tree & Shrub Sale - The Oakland Conservation District holds an annual sale in the spring (March-April) each year which allows you to purchase trees and shrubs at a discount. LINK
Oakland County Road Commission - This site can be used to report a problem or get information about road projects. LINK
Do you have a contractor and/or service provider that you would like to recommend for your neighbors? Use this link to provide this feedback and we will add it to our list.